









 basic plan以上の価格帯のご案内となりますが、必ずご満足頂けると思います。

どなた様も、浅草、雷門、着物レンタル、Sakura Photo Studio にお気軽にご相談ください。



Hello, everyone.

 The typhoon is passing by Tokyo area and going up North in Japan today.

Please keep taking care of yourself going back and forth between any places.

 The theme for today is `large size kimono`. We have welcomed customers from all over the world so far. Especially, people from out of Asia have a tendency to fit clothes for larger size than us, Japanese. Mostly, they are taller and larger than us, Japanese. Japanese clothes` sizes are a little too smaller for them very often.

 We have prepared the fitting size for anyone. So, we definitely have more variety sizes for larger, smaller than any other kimono rental shops in Asakusa. We especially have much larger and taller size for Basic, Luxury, and Premium plans except Simple plans kimonos.

 We are willing to welcome any guests who are interested in wearing kimonos. We always open the biggest door among any kimono rental shops in Asakusa. Please feel free to inquiry on sakuraphotokimono@gmail.com


 Have a wonderful day. 






(2min from No.1 Exit Asakusa Station Ginza line )


ご連絡先 Contact 

 PHONE: 03-6802-8814(代表)

PHONE: (+81) 3-6802-8814 (company・international phone call)



お問い合わせ下さい メールは24時間以内にご返信いたします。

※We will not be able to pick up the phone when we all are in the middle of styling or photo shooting.

    Please try to call again, call mobile phones, or  email us in the case we don`t answer.   


PHONE: 070-9031-7051 (日本語・English)

PHONE: 070-5011-2785  (English・韓国語・中国語)

E-mail: sakuraphotokimono@gmail.com 

            (通常24時間以内にご返答いたします。We will email you back in 24hours.)


OPEN AM10:00~PM6:00 (年中無休)(7days a week)


住所:〒111-0034 東京都台東区雷門1-12-12 鈴木ビル2F 地図:click here

Adress: (zipcode in Japan 111-0034)

                Suzuki Bld 2F 1-12-12 Kaminarimon Taito-ku, Tokyo Japan 地図:click here



※We are a member store for `Tokyo Tourist Information Desk` officially.

Please feel free to come and ask for any tourists information as well.※


Sakura Photo Studioは、東京観光案内窓口正式加盟店です。






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