We have a special coupon for `Tokyo original chicken ramen , `Yukikage`. All of the customers who have our service can get this coupon! Please do not hesitate to ask our staffs. 


Yukikage, ramenshop link. ラーメン店ゆきかげ、へのアクセスはこちらのリンクから

※Click the link above, and scroll down. There is a map to access the ramen shop.


Asakusa Gourmet and Shopping Guide, brought by Sakura Photo Studio.

You can go finding your favorite places by searching on this link either any browse or,

`Google map` app on your mobile phones.

 浅草グルメショッピングマップ、Sakura Photo Studio オリジナルバージョンをご提供しています。


1 Open the following link.




Cancel to open the link by google map at first. Find and choose your favorite place from the lists in  this page, and click in any browse, but in google map. It will jump to google map app to show how to get there.(It is still available to use a map in        any browse without google map installed as well.)

  最初に`google mapで開きますか?`の表示にキャンセルしてください。一覧のリストが

 どのブラウザで閲覧しても表示されます。リストの中からお好きな場所を選んでタップするとgoogle mapアプリをインストールしている場合にジャンプし経路を表示します。(アプリがない場合でもブラウザ上で確認も可能です。)


3  Open the app, google map if you have.(no necessary. you can look this up on any browser on your smart phones.)

 もし、ご自分の携帯にGoogle mapアプリがあれば、開いてください。



4 Open menu, and select `my place`, then tap, `map`. You can see the index, `Asakusa map for the tourists` in there.

   (For those who have `google map`,Our original map is installed on your google account.) 

 (Google mapをお使いであれば)メニューより、`マイプレイス`その中にある`マップ`を



※If you have any inquiries, ask our staffs. 

 Also, we sometimes need to authorize to let you use this for every single time when you use this app. 




(English covered)




 また LINEをはじめとした、QR画像を撮影無しで直接読み込めるアプリをお持ちの方も直接リンク先に


You can open the original map by Sakura Photo Studio by tapping and hold the image for 3 seconds, the following if you use i phone, safari.

 (You can also use QR code by using `LINE` app, and other app that are capable of downloading and linking images themselves with websites.


Reproduction or appropriation of HTML, images and photographs from within this site is prohibited.  

             Copylights©2019 SakuraPhotoStudio All reserved




(2min from No.1 Exit Asakusa Station Ginza line )


ご連絡先 Contact 

 PHONE: 03-6802-8814(代表)

PHONE: (+81) 3-6802-8814 (company・international phone call)



お問い合わせ下さい メールは24時間以内にご返信いたします。

※We will not be able to pick up the phone when we all are in the middle of styling or photo shooting.

    Please try to call again, call mobile phones, or  email us in the case we don`t answer.   


PHONE: 070-9031-7051 (日本語・English)

PHONE: 070-5011-2785  (English・韓国語・中国語)

E-mail: sakuraphotokimono@gmail.com 

            (通常24時間以内にご返答いたします。We will email you back in 24hours.)


OPEN AM10:00~PM6:00 (年中無休)(7days a week)


住所:〒111-0034 東京都台東区雷門1-12-12 鈴木ビル2F 地図:click here

Adress: (zipcode in Japan 111-0034)

                Suzuki Bld 2F 1-12-12 Kaminarimon Taito-ku, Tokyo Japan 地図:click here



※We are a member store for `Tokyo Tourist Information Desk` officially.

Please feel free to come and ask for any tourists information as well.※


Sakura Photo Studioは、東京観光案内窓口正式加盟店です。






Reproduction or appropriation of HTML, images and photographs from within this site is prohibited.  

             Copylights©2022 SakuraPhotoStudio All reserved